Johnny Alpha and the bounty hunters of the Search/Destroy agency hunt their targets relentlessly across the galactic frontier. Mutants all, humanity relies heavily upon these Strontium Dogs to root out the deadliest of criminals and keep the fringes of the galaxy safe. For the S/D agents, it’s a thankless task that often sends them into mortal danger on strange and bizarre worlds, or even across time to bring in the worst villains that history has to offer.
Step into the Doghouse, polish your S/D badge, and take your place alongside famous agents such as Johnny Alpha, Wulf Sternhammer, and Durham Red to await your next contract.
Taken from the same hallowed comic book pages asJudge Dredd,Strontium Dogssteps into the year 2180 and offers the entire galaxy as a playground. With new careers for S/D agents, unique equipment like the variable-cartridge blaster, time bomb and time drogue, a gazetteer of the galaxy and guide to creating new and exciting locations, sample contracts and adventure seeds, plus a whole host of adversaries and allies, this supplement provides and entirely new way to explore theJudge Dredd & the Worlds of 2000 ADroleplaying game.
174 pages
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of theCore Rulebookis required to play.
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